Welcome to my Northern Shed.

Poems for Kith and Kin.

Thoughts about seasons, life, and musings captured in words.

A collection of thoughts and poems taken from a perspective of sitting in my Northern Shed.

I have to say if you are forming a mental picture, this is not some six by eight grim coal encrusted northern shed, but a rather a nice shed looking over the moors of the North Pennines on the borders of County Durham and Northumberland

It even has electricity and heating, so not too shabby at all really.

At this point I should give thanks to a great chap by the name of Harry Gallagher, a poet who managed in six weeks to unlock what an English teacher had locked over a period of four years in 1978.

I’m a big believer in life long learning and whilst I can spend many a happy hour musing on meanings I do fervently believe as people we have a shared experiences. A lyric from a song call Russians, by Sting always comes to mind, ‘It would be such an ignorant thing to do, If the Russians love their children too’. Why would we ever think they don’t love their children would be my question.

So whilst I would not consider myself political in the current bipartisan way that we currently seem to have, in the true sense of the Greek meaning of the word I am very political.

As a final note my father once said to me, always believe the best in people unless proven otherwise, he was a wise man.

Get in touch if you have anything to share.