Discover my Poetry

This site is me exploring my musings on life, nature, and everything in between. A collection of poems written across a few years as an attempt for me to explore some thoughts. It all started on a train journey from Newcastle to London with a poem called ‘Winter Train’.

So a little about myself, my name is Andrew and I live in a small village on the border of County Durham and Northumberland. I was born and bred in the North East of England in a town called North Shields, technically within a mile of the banks of the River Tyne so I’m a Geordie.

I love the sea and especially some of the windswept beaches in Northumberland and recently have started to develop a real appreciation of the wild moorland of the North Pennines. I can’t draw or paint and although I love music of almost every genre unfortunately there is a lack of patience to become proficient in playing.

However I have always loved words and the meanings we ascribe to these words. It has always fascinated me that as a collective that we call people, do we share commonality in our understanding or is everything unique to the individual?

So on that note may my words and themes resonate with you, inspire the power of your own words to connect and awaken your inner poet.

If you’d like to ask me anything, drop me a message here.