Holidays do end

Standing by the shore’s edge he awaits the sun’s rising.

Face back lit by the mobile phone as he tries to capture the uncatchable,

Dressed for cooler climes bare feet grasp at the sand’s never ending unfulfilled promises

Savouring the last moments of time shaped real by his moments in the sun

Desperate to hold onto something, anything,  before the humdrum reaffirms its grasp

The heaviness resettles on his heart as the lights of the promenade dim and stop 

as the flashing strobes on the tractor signal a new start on the beach, yesterday's detritus raked away

He turns back towards the restaurant and the last breakfast.

As the poolman in the half light sets his child on its robotic dance

And the first of the new disciples heads into the cooling waters of the sea.

As the early morning dogs walk their daily route, masters in tow.

And the chinking china chimes a new start for the waitress

The holiday ends.


Premier Lodge


Fear and Loathing