The Oasis at Can Cera

The taxi tyres yelp as they move across worn coble street

reep, reep, birdlike as each coble is counted in and then out again.

Idly you try to make a melody fit the rhythm, humming gently under your breath

Till suddenly the street meets a junction that forces a stop,

the taxi driver with gestures draws the situation on an air canvass 

Too narrow you smile and nod with a low mumbled… Si 

He points the way you should go and helps you out with your bag 

Si …. Gracias, The words roll around your mouth with their unused consonants 

and for a fleeting moment, solemnly you vow to learn the language

till the guilt slowly recedes from your mind

The buildings lean towards each other in a latin embrace

Three and four stories high, at the top only twelve feet apart

Galleries built with a where for out thou Montegue and Capulet style

A tiled road now and the wheels on your case act as accompanying castanets 

To the sound of the receding taxi as you pick up pace

nostrils quiver to new smells of heat, 

different, so different to your northern homeland

Past the small supermarket where the young people gather

They laugh and jostle against each other with their one euro pastries in hand

Full of the simple joy of being, a passion for sharing life

Past the open gate with the cool stone courtyard,  a siren beckoning within

To the imposing dark wood coaching gate with its small inset door.

A gate whose timbers reek of hot dry summers and dust 

Resplendent in their assertion of being, defiance, a history of their existence 

Black Iron girded hinges speak of a blacksmith craft long past, but still cherished 

A small brass bell button with a dull patina waits patiently for you to push 

unexpected a solenoid clicks acknowledgement of a right to grant passage

Slowly pushing the door open to be greeted by a tranquillity

For two breaths, standing assessing assimilating 

as the eye signals joy to transcend upon all.

Byzantine inspiration within the confines of a part covered courtyard

Grand designs where Christian and Moor had long since had downed animosities

and collaborated to fuse their opinions of the aesthetic 

Amphora inspired ceramic shapes sleep with a spring's gentle gurgling waters

Whilst nestling under full size palms and banana trees fronds that caress 

with their beautiful delicate green fingers an invisible upward draft.

Foot shined cobblestones juxtaposed marble and limestone stairs

Majlis with sumptuous cushions positively dare the traveller to sit, 

smile, share a good story over coffee and some delights 

Rustic grasses adorn the wall a subtle nod to the fields that sustain all life here

Corn, almonds, wine and olives held with a biblical reverence 

All here nature has given to be carved, 

formed by human mind and shaped by an artisan’s hand

All here for the weary soul to forget what has been or what future may come to pass

Simply Inviting the traveller just open their mind to the moment

To enjoy the beauty that is living, to sit, to smile, to share with new friends your story.

To celebrate all that is this wonderful life.


Lead on the Moor

